10 Activities to Wind Down the Weekend

1. Get an Early Head-Start.
I know, I know. Sundays are supposed to be lazy Sundays. But often times I find myself questioned where the day went when I spend a good portion of the day in bed. Get up, get moving! I dare you to get up by 9 AM the latest! Once you get in motion and go about your day, you’ll be happy you did. By the end of the day, there’s a good chance you won’t feel so wound up and you’ll sleep like a baby.
2. Have Brunch In!
GASP! A blogger missing the opportunity to post pics of her avocado toast, Bellini, Gucci bag, marble French table and ~#brunchlife ambience~?! 😂 Yes, it’s true. The irony! Why spend big bucks on brunch when you can host a fun brunch potluck with all your friends? The pros are endless: No one has to wait till the whole party arrives. Everyone is guaranteed a seat, no matter who’s late or on-time. You can brunch in the comfort of your best jammies. AND all the leftovers can serve as breakfast for yourself throughout the week! Bonus: bottomless mimosas as strong as you want!
3. Be active.
It goes without saying that fitness is an instant mood elevator! If it’s gorgeous out, go for a stroll around your neighborhood or take the dog for a longer walk than usual. Find your inner chakra. Bike around town. Engage in some sort of physical activity! 💪🏽
4. Clean.
A clean space, makes for a happy mind! Take some time to clean up your home, space, computer, whatever! You’ll feel accomplished and well-deserving of winding down later.
5. Make something.
Be productive and create! Take a crack at a DIY project or check out some Pinterest boards for inspiration! I usually cook recipes on Sundays. Although not every dish turns out amazing, the feeling of making something beats my over-expectations of an IG-worthy plate.
6. Call Your Somebody.
You know the saying: take your meds, drink water, call your person. No? Listen to Another Round. Otherwise, call someone who matters to you! Your mom, best friend, dog sitter, whoever! Catch up, let them know you care, see what’s going on in their lives!
7. Catch Up on Something Important to You.
This could be a multitude of things whether it be work-related, financial, or physical. Take a few minutes to an hour to complete a task, hear a new episode from your favorite podcast or learn something new about an interest of yours!
8. Pamper yourself.
ADORN THE SHRINE THAT IS YOUR BODY! ✨ Take a breather and just treat yourself. it’s what Sundays are for! Exfoliate your skin with a fancy scrub, take a bath with bath bombs, give yourself a manicure, put on a hair mask, etc. My skincare regime is the most intense yet relaxing on Sundays. Shameless promotion of my favorite skincare brand ahead: GLOSSIER aka my warrior in cute, pink packaging. I start off my day wearing just this serum. It keeps my skin GLOWING and soft. I end with a exfoliating and hydrating masking session. Right before bed, I put on my moisturizer and wake up Monday with skin for the GODS. If you’re new to Glossier, be sure to shop from my page and get 20% off your first order!
9. Reflect and Prep.
Take a moment to digest the week you just had and plan for the week ahead. When it comes to journaling, I feel like we don’t do this enough! Either we don’t have time, the desire, or maybe even find it silly to sit down and jot about feelings and thoughts. BUT MENTAL HEALTH IS SO IMPORTANT. Push yourself to at least put some words down somewhere. Maybe find another outlet!
10. Turn Off All Your Screens.
You can’t be successful at winding down if you’re scrolling through feeds and timelines, wondering why you don’t have someone’s life, debating whether or not So and So are still dating. Sifting through screens can be counterproductive Laying in the dark, exposing your eyes to dimly-lit screen doesn’t seem too healthy either. Pick up a book, tire your brain by trying to solve a Sudoku puzzle (my guilty pleasure!).
Lovely tips! x